walking dead (6)

Fighting disinformation/misinformation. Film & TV producer of horror (The Walking Dead), sci-fi (The Terminator, Aliens, T2, Armageddon) and documentaries (The YouTube Effect, Mankiller) and a bunch of stuff you've never heard of. Part-time Cassandra.
Writer. Rogue One, The Book of Eli, Star Wars Rebels, The Walking Dead, Gundog etc
People with no dream are walking dead. Follow your dreams. mrdm n by rwy mrdg n rw nnd. rwy h yt r dnb l kn #s hn mh #fylmn mh_nwys #prspwlys #MUFC
Sr. Social Media Manager for Skybound Games and The Walking Dead.
creative director / producer / designer / connoisseur of schlocky films - Vanish * Crossover * Harley Quinn * Nailbiter * The Art of AMC's The Walking Dead Universe - PDX
Bluesky oficial do site The Walking Dead BR (walkingdeadbr.com).